
8 October 2024


ACCN Innovations Showcase 2024 Presentations

Members can access Presentation slides used at the ACCN Innovations Showcase on 21 May 2024.

Dr Richard Mitchell: Facilitating equitable access to novel and highly specialised treatments
Paul Villanti: Using data and quality indicators to drive optimal, equitable cancer care
Prof Grant McArthur: Self-evaluation and continuous improvement
Prof Tracey O’Brien: Advancing NSW Cancer Control - Data Insights, Benchmarking and Networked Care to Reduce Disparities
A/Prof Craig Underhill: Networked research programs and fast-tracking research findings into clinical practice
Nisha Berthon-Jones: Driving equitable cancer care - Clinical trials
Dr Marie Burke: Using data to drive world-class cancer care across Australia
Dr Shoni Philpot: Using data to drive world-class cancer care across Australia
Dr Amy Shorthouse: Optimal Care Pathways
Prof Ray Chan: Patient navigation

ACCN Framework

A Framework has been developed in consultation with representatives from the cancer control sector that outlines the elements of the ACCN and of networked comprehensive cancer care in Australia. The Framework can be accessed here: ACCN Framework

ACCN Overview Presentation

Members are permitted to use and adapt PowerPoint slides when presenting about the ACCN: ACCN Overview Presentation Slides